Recent content by DeScruff

  1. DeScruff

    The Bar: last call (?)

    iirc from an old convo: Enthusiast Gaming was pushing for Forums in 2020. Dtoid was looking to replace Disqus. Remember how many times did we have issues with it as users. - Imagine the problems Moderation must have had. These Forums were.... Not so much about reviving the old old forums. The...
  2. DeScruff

    CelicaCrazed's dump hole

    I find this genuinely hilarious.
  3. DeScruff

    Stupid Video Game Troupes

    Hmmm stupidest trope... Does Unique NPC count? By that I mean, a Unique NPC we are introduced to and obviously does not fit in with any of the other characters. Oh look everyone has realistic hair and hair colors, except Mr.Yugioh protagonist over there, but hes totally cool don't worry...
  4. DeScruff

    Sections you despise in games you like?

    hmmm... Team Rocket at Radio Tower in Pokemon G/S/C Its just unnecessary padding that adds nothing really to the game. And it isn't helped that 99% of the time you JUST dealt with Team Rocket. just minutes before. I have a feeling the game designers intended you to face Team Rocket in Mahogany...
  5. DeScruff

    [Game Jam] Announcing the Flaming Hot Jam!

    I am taking part in this with a friend! We just haven't really publicly said much about our project.
  6. DeScruff

    What are Your Potato Chip Games?

    Skyrim and Fallout 4 are probably those games for me. Anyone remember back when God of War came out there was an image of someone who said they didn't have the money to buy a new game, turned on Skyrim and made their character look like Kratos? EDIT: Heres a reddit post of it. Thats kinda what...
  7. DeScruff

    So, which next gen system will you be getting?

    Gonna stick to PC + Switch. Honestly nothing about the Xbox or PS5 interest me in the slightest. Nothing about ether console interested me this gen. Only reason I have a PS4, was cause my parents broke my PS3, a PS3 save of Persona 5 can carry over to the PS4, and I was worried that Trails of...
  8. DeScruff

    Current reads

    When my job goes from PreSeason work to the regular job (Sitting around all day handing out keys) hopefully I won't need to watch over a edgy racist 14 year old and stop him from causing trouble again. I will be able to to read on the job again. I plan to get back into reading Spice and Wolf. I...
  9. DeScruff

    Post your Desktop!

    ... That reminds me of when my XP computer got infected by spyware and would randomly go "Congratulations you have been selected to win a free Nintendo Wii!" blah blah blah "to claim your free Nintendo Wii, and once again Congratulations!"
  10. DeScruff

    Post your Desktop!

    I wish I had a screenshot of my sisters desktop of her college Mac. It was like this... but worse. SOMEONE WITH A MAC EXPLAIN WHY DIS SO COMMON WITH MAC USERS!?
  11. DeScruff

    How often do you use save states on emulators?

    If the game has password saves: - I use save states. There is... no reason not to. Its just convenience. If you can save 'normally' in a game. I most of the time will use save states instead. - again convenience. Sometimes I'll even savestate at the beginning of a level or boss I REALLY like so...
  12. DeScruff

    Best Butt in Video Games

    Vanessa Z Schneider from P.N.03 Truly was the 2B of the Gamecube. - - She was the first videogame butt I was exposed to.- Much of the team that made that game would later go on to form Platinum games if it wasn't obvious.
  13. DeScruff

    Most WTF Game

    Sooo If people were not aware. For a couple of the "Getting Weird with Wes" articles I did the header images. And... I was shown some weird ass games. I think certainly the most visually "WTF" would be - Gingiva. With a logo like that... You know your going to be diving into some surreal...
  14. DeScruff

    Shows you wish had just one more season

    The Fairly OddParents. Maybe they can bring on another character that this time everyone will like!