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  1. Lexingtongue

    Your worst "I give up" moment in games?

    There was a trail in one of the God of War games on a giant cube with spikes which was incredibly frustrating for me. I beat it eventually, but it was off the scale difficult for me.
  2. Lexingtongue

    Spare Steam Keys

    Could I try Pathologic Classic HD?
  3. Lexingtongue

    Music Recommendations

    Saw them twice last year: once at Arctangent festival and then once at their own show at Leeds University. Similar sets but great both times.
  4. Lexingtongue

    Music Recommendations

    Cult of Luna
  5. Lexingtongue

    Favorite 'Art-house' Games

    Great game. Pretty much all the recommendations on here are, mind. These are the kind of games that keep my attention these days and that's harder to do as I get older.
  6. Lexingtongue

    Spare Steam Keys

    Thanks, Kevin. I'll have to look into that region fix. Any links that I can use to read up on it? As for Anthill, I won it but don't really have any desire to play it so I'm quite happy to leave it up for someone else to enjoy.
  7. Lexingtongue

    The Books of Lexingtongue! (Horror/Sci-Fi)

    Thanks, man. Let me know what you think. (By the way, The Cellar works as a prequel to The Wanderer so you might want to leave that one till after the novel if you have any intention of reading it!)
  8. Lexingtongue

    The Books of Lexingtongue! (Horror/Sci-Fi)

    The Wanderer is my novel and my proudest moment - got to #1 on the post-apocalyptic chart on Amazon UK! Some of my best writing is in Wither but it covers some pretty nasty topics if you're easily offended. Some of my best ideas in Brighter Horizons (quite Twilight Zoney, or so I've been told!)...
  9. Lexingtongue

    Spare Steam Keys

    Lovely gestures by you guys here. Will keep my eyes peeled for future offers. (y) As an aside, I have a NA copy of Anthill on Switch which I can't use as I'm in Europe. Whoever wants it is welcome to help themselves: C06F6CX7N25J8JKM
  10. Lexingtongue

    The Books of Lexingtongue! (Horror/Sci-Fi)

    Having just signed up and spotting this section thought I'd share my books for your perusal. Would love to hear your opinions if you read them and maybe get a review on Amazon or a rating on Goodreads. Any questions, ask below. UK Links...