Your worst "I give up" moment in games?


Miniature Enthusiast
May 10, 2020
For me when i was a kid i had the hardest time playing resident evil 3. it took me like 2 weeks to finally get to the first grave digger fight (embarrassing I know). I saved before that but for some damn reason I later decided to mess around in the ps1 memory card viewer and ended up deleting that save file. How? The damn controller had the most sensitive X button in the universe lol. I said yeah fuck that and just didnt go back to it until later in life.

Seymour Demonica

Badonkadonk Monk
Jun 9, 2020
The original Dead Rising.

I've literally thrown a controller just once in my life, and it was whilst trying to get a survivor to follow me properly through one of the stores, out to the plaza and into the safehouse. These assholes not only have a tough time following through even sparse hordes, but they will turn on you if you hit them too many times. Yet, you often need to rescue them from these hordes they can't muster through... by hitting them.

It's a never-ending cycle of further and further frustration that eventually boils over.


Jul 5, 2020
Kansas City
Basically any time I try Majora’s Mask.

I’m a fairly anxious person, and I don’t like unnecessary pressure. I love almost every aspect of the game, except for the fact that you constantly have a timer looming above you before the moon comes crashing down and kills everyone. I truly want to enjoy the game, but I just can’t.
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Gold Standard in Stupidity
Jun 11, 2020
Gods Will Be Watching

A combination of outrageous RNG and bugs made it just about unplayable as far as I'm concerned

I know there's an easy mode that removes the chance aspect of the game, but when you spent dozens of tries on the regular rng mode dying at the same part over and over, and finally switch to easy and it ends up crashing on you? Fuck that, man. It was cooler when it was just that basic concept from a game jam or whatever it was.

Hall of Fame goes to The Last Guardian tho.

I quit almost immediately after I was able to start giving Trico commands, which he promptly ignored.

After spending about 20 minutes just trying to get him to do basic navigational tasks while wrestling with the controls they somehow saw fit to drastically change from Shadow of the Colossus, Trico decided to ignore my commands yet again and walked back down a long, narrow passage and refused to turn around or move anywhere.

I yelled a lot and improperly powered down my PS4.

That's how mad I was. 😱

I thought I'd take a break and come back to it later until I found out one of the trophies I'd need to get the plat required beating the entire game in some set amount of time.

Nope. I don't fuck with games that don't respect my time.

Such a shame, too because I'd been looking forward to it since SotC on PS2.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm well aware that Trico's behavior is allegedly part of the gameplay, but I'll just raise an actual animal if I want to deal with that grief.


Technically the best. Literally the worst.
May 11, 2020
The original Dead Rising.

I've literally thrown a controller just once in my life, and it was whilst trying to get a survivor to follow me properly through one of the stores, out to the plaza and into the safehouse. These assholes not only have a tough time following through even sparse hordes, but they will turn on you if you hit them too many times. Yet, you often need to rescue them from these hordes they can't muster through... by hitting them.

It's a never-ending cycle of further and further frustration that eventually boils over.
Mine with this game was just because I was trying to play it on an old school CRT. I could not read the text to save my goddamn life.


Human Person, Maybe
May 11, 2020
I think it was the third or fourth colossus in SotC, the one in the water where you have to swim to a rock and jump onto it. The camera just kept getting all out of whack, I lost my patience, and said fuck it. I eventually went back and beat the remake, but the camera is still utter shit.


May 10, 2020
A memorable one for me was the first time ever playing an online game with Phantasy Star Online. Excitedly wanted to play with other people from around the world. Joined an instance, entered the world then was immediately teamkilled. Guy took my best weapon and armour. They apologize and revive me. I equip my next best set, kills me again and takes 'em. I shut it down and don't touch online gaming for at least another five years.
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May 14, 2020
Not a diffculity thing or outright annoyance but for me lately God Of War 2018.About 8 hours in I just had the feeling of I give up nothing seems to feel all that fun or intresting to me in the game.

That and Horizon Zero Dawn are the only games in a long while I tried where O felt that feeling of I give up and I actualy did give up on the game


Village Idiot
May 10, 2020
North Carolina
Ghosts n Goblins, played on and off for years trying to beat it. Finally beat it, only be told I was missing secret items or a necklace to actually beat the game and fight the real boss. Fuck. That.
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Gold Standard in Stupidity
Jun 11, 2020
I think it was the third or fourth colossus in SotC, the one in the water where you have to swim to a rock and jump onto it. The camera just kept getting all out of whack, I lost my patience, and said fuck it. I eventually went back and beat the remake, but the camera is still utter shit.
I don't remember having as much trouble with SotC on PS2 as I had with the remake.

I swear they fucked the physics and made so many things stop working as they had originally.

Of course I encountered most of these when doing the time trials.

  • The sword colossus: Climbing up the intended paths just about never worked because Wander liked to consistently grab onto the wrong thing. The sword launch trick was the only reliable way to reach the upper levels in the amount of time needed, and that was still a crapshoot. Both the sword launch, and hoping the physics and grab issues didn't screw you over minutes later.
  • AI on some of them would stop working for no apparent reason. Too many to even list.
  • Seriously, the idiot refused to grab onto things so often and I'd watch as he slid down the entire body to the ground.
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New member
Jun 8, 2020
There was a trail in one of the God of War games on a giant cube with spikes which was incredibly frustrating for me. I beat it eventually, but it was off the scale difficult for me.


Active member
May 11, 2020
The last time I tried to play No More Heroes 2. I never actually played the game on the harder of the two default difficulties before this. When there's only two it's kind of hard to tell which one is supposed to be the "normal" one. So I went through on the harder mode this time, and most of it was totally fine. In fact a lot of the bosses were still pushovers. Although I did have trouble with some of those 2D training minigames. But anyway, I get to the final boss, and hit a huge brick wall in the second phase. Literally minutes from the end of the game. He has this attack where he teleports around the room, and then behind your back, and cracks you with a really powerful and unblockable attack that is simply too fast to see coming, and that knocks you down too. Although he doesn't always do it right behind you, and the angle he comes from is totally unpredictable. Also he can stun-lock you with this by doing it over and over again, which he does frequently. And just to make things even better, if you are vaguely on one side of the room, his attacks can knock you out the window and kill you in one hit. There isn't a clear barrier of where the danger zone is, but it's definitely way bigger than it reasonably should be.

Luckily I did have the foresight to have rolling saves, so I went back to when I still had access to the training minigames to increase health a bit. I still couldn't improve much because those minigames are bullshit too, but by the time I got back to the boss with improved stats, it didn't help much anyway. If anything, I did worse, just because he kept stun-locking me with that bullshit move even more. The game in general does have some weird difficulty spikes because, as much as I like it, it uh... isn't very well designed. But this was just impossible. Ridiculous bullshit that relies on total RNG luck, where you are far more likely than not going to get fucked every time. I wasted several days on that bollocks, and had to do the final level twice, just to finally have to throw in the towel.


Certified Nobody
Jul 1, 2020
I have a personal rule where (unless it's a game like Super Meat Boy or Celeste), if I die more than a dozen times in the same place, I stop playing. I rarely actually reach this threshold, though. I think the most recent instance was Wolfenstein: The New Order, on a ship level.
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Gold Standard in Stupidity
Jun 11, 2020
I just temporarily quit RDR2 after picking it back up for the first time in over a year.

A few nights ago I was playing poker in-game in Saint Denis, lost, and went on a bit of a shooting spree (more of a desperate escape after shooting the one smarmy poker player in the face)

racked up an $800 bounty

i started looking for robbery opportunities back up north where I wasn't wanted

cue that random encounter with the escaped prisoner.

i shoot off his leg chains and he gives me a tip about a house i can rob waaaay up north

i take my time getting up there. discover two new towns in the process

and when i finally find the damn place the doors won't open

i look it up and i still have 2 story chapters to go before i can actually rob the place

thanks R*


New member
Jul 1, 2020
The original Dead Rising.

I've literally thrown a controller just once in my life, and it was whilst trying to get a survivor to follow me properly through one of the stores, out to the plaza and into the safehouse. These assholes not only have a tough time following through even sparse hordes, but they will turn on you if you hit them too many times. Yet, you often need to rescue them from these hordes they can't muster through... by hitting them.

It's a never-ending cycle of further and further frustration that eventually boils over.

This in a nutshell! No throwing just dropping controller, though.
Just finished it this month, spending hours farming exp to hit level 50 just to realizing that rescuing the mallrats was worthless unless you were trophy hunting.
Finished with some lame ending not understanding wtf I had to do at the end with the roof and the helicopter. Didn't restart to get a better ending because, after putting in over 30 hours, I am good...
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Ambassador of Finland
May 11, 2020
More of a funny sided, but I consider it "the worst":

I got stuck in Portal 2 at one puzzle so I gave up for a while and did everything else instead.

Then my PC broke down. And I never finished Portal 2 after that incident.