Recent content by Fwuffles

  1. Fwuffles


    Lmao lovely. Forums never die (except when they inevitably do).
  2. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    I don't know anything about that game, but it makes me sad to hear they essentially walled the finale behind a DLC expansion. Glad you've enjoyed the game overall, though! And thanks for bumping this thread - I wish the forums were more active.
  3. Fwuffles

    What games did you fall in love with the first trailer and then, with the release of gameplay footage you were disappointed?

    I agree with Death Stranding, for sure. The trailers felt mystical and strange, but the gameplay just seems dull and rote. The original Destiny comes to mind, as well. Of course, I think part of that was the excitement around a new console. But the trailer looked incredible and I couldn't wait...
  4. Fwuffles

    No one's talking about how characters who eat trash have humiliation fetishes

    I don't play a game UNLESS the character is a sick mess who wants to get sucked off by bats while trying to gobble up giblets and mystery potions off the ground. I guess I'm one that's keeping the industry going. I vote with my dollar, damn it.
  5. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Started FFXII: The Zodiac Age a couple weeks ago (for the umpteenth time). Already further than I've ever gotten. The story seems more interesting now that I'm older. It's a bit long-winded at times though, and the characters could do with some more... character. But levelling up is really...
  6. Fwuffles

    Games We Cherish

    I have this habit of never selling or getting rid of any of my games. From NES to the PS4, I just can't let go. "What if I get the urge to play it again," I think. Or maybe I had a really great experience with the game, or it affected me in a certain way. I guess what I'm saying is, I get...
  7. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Reached 100% completion of A Plague Tale - it was fantastic! I wasn't expecting it to end with so many questions left unanswered, but knowing there's a sequel in the works has me excited! I got burnt out on trying to complete New n Tasty. I'll get back to it eventually, but putting it to the...
  8. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Final update on Final Fantasy X - I finally finished (finally)! I'm sure I'll play through the story again in a couple years because I love it, but I definitely won't be maxing stats again. Happy to have done it and call it a day! Getting back to A Plague Tale: Innocence with renewed vigor...
  9. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Been a while since I updated here. Still throwing my time at FFX's endgame. I've completed all of the Monster Arena (including defeating Nemesis - woo!), got all of the Celestial Weapons, and am never playing Blitzball again - blech. All that's left is completing the sphere grid for each...
  10. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    @Voex Love your avatar! I played the crap outt of Machinarium back in the day.
  11. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Flying through FFX again, still loving this game after all these years. Gonna fill out the sphere grid and beat every secret boss this time. FOR REAL (maybe).
  12. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    That's even more disappointing! Sorry to hear it. Good job finishing some chores though... thanks CDPR? You'd think a game like that would have accessibility options like increasing the font size.
  13. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Well damn. A real shame the game is SO buggy right out of the gate. What platform are you playing on?
  14. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    It's been many years since I played through Devil May Cry, so jumping back down that rabbit hole has been a blast! It's harder than I remember, and mastering the timing for combat makes it really fun and engaging. Basically, falling in love all over again. Started playing Seasons After Fall...
  15. Fwuffles

    What are you playing?

    Been working through Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning since September. I had a lot of fun with it on PS3 back in the day, and honestly it's still really fun. It is, admittedly, too long. It gets to be a bit of a slog about halfway through, towards the end of the first continent. It really picks...