Search results

  1. Dango

    Why'd You Choose Your Avatar?

    The fox from Oglaf (don't google if at work) really spoke to me.
  2. Dango

    Pick 2 from 2007

    Mario Galaxy and BioShock are all-timers. Orange Box is close, but loses a point for being a weird and confusing. I'd like to see one of these for 1998 and 2011.
  3. Dango

    Your Most Controversial Movie Opinion

    The most pushback I've ever gotten for a movie opinion on Dtoid was when I said the movie 9 wasn't very good. Not District 9. The animated one with the puppet things. The one most of you probably didn't remember existed before reading this post. That 9.
  4. Dango

    screenshot thread yay

    Post your pwetty-ass, funny-ass, tight-ass in-game screenshots riiiiiight here! Examples of... what screenshots can look like, I guess: Have a fun.
  5. Dango


    Mr Bonerlord, how are you planning to tackle the unemployment crisis brought about by the current epidemic?