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  1. NeoTurbo

    Your Most Controversial Movie Opinion

    Awww, I love that movie! That part near the end where they're playing the song on the record player still haunts me.
  2. NeoTurbo

    Your Most Controversial Movie Opinion

    I find Interstellar kinda boring and full of itself for some reason.
  3. NeoTurbo

    Warframe Stuff!

    Railjack Revisited part 1 hits console tomorrow guys! Also the new Nightwave series go live for EVERYBODY tomorrow!
  4. NeoTurbo

    Oven Sausages

    "How to delete someone's else's thread"
  5. NeoTurbo

    Oven Sausages

  6. NeoTurbo

    Destructoid Merch ideas megathread of justice and wisdom

    I want rude lewds for bad dudes.
  7. NeoTurbo

    hello im 12 how does this work

    thats very cool how do i make neat stuff like you
  8. NeoTurbo


  9. NeoTurbo

    hello im 12 how does this work

    hi matt, how old are you im turning hi matt im new and definitely a cool dude how are you
  10. NeoTurbo

    Favorite Pun

    Wise man says; Man who run in front of car gets tired, but man who runs behind car gets exhausted.
  11. NeoTurbo

    hello im 12 how does this work
