
Greenish ooze weeping like tears out a butt ulcer
May 10, 2020
It's time to be secret Dtoid insurgents sleeping in the bowels of the site, living off its waste and disinterest in equal measure. They can step on us, but we skitter between the grooves of shoes. They can spray us, but we've learned to breathe poison. They can trap us, but we'll turn that fucking trap into our new home! We are the immortal rats of the internet, and this shall be our latest ship! Will it sink? Undoubtedly, but rats can swim and they always find a way!!!!



Greenish ooze weeping like tears out a butt ulcer
May 10, 2020
Yes! Rats rise! Sharpen your plague-ridden teeth on this internet corpse and fill your bellies to bursting! We shall form the most fearsome king of knotted bodies the world has ever seen! Will will rise high as a squealing, scratching mass of diseased violence; as a katamari of tail-tangled horror! We shall eclipse the sun and touch the moon, and finally at long last we will devour the great lunar cheese that give all despicable beasts their nocturnal powers!!!! Onlookers will fear and worship us in equal measure as we replace the moon as the Earth's sister satellite and gain control of the tides, ovulation, and the madness that drives men to murder! It all begins here, in the vestigial forums of a dying site, but all will quake in fear knowing what horrors have awakened!
