MajorTomsCoffeeCup here. Started off as an avid lurker of this site and stayed because of how strange it was and the community seemed really cool and fairly laid back, been around for close to 10 years now. Had a disquis account before making the Dtoid variant.
Big lover of music, I enjoy odd experimental stuff, jazz, fusion, funk, rock, some blues, little bit of metal here and there. Throw in some psychodellia and groove and I'm bound to like it. Dig some hip hop and R&B as well, but much more selective about that.
Game wise these days I'm mostly a console peasant, leaning heavily towards Nintendo. Dig the Xenoblade games, monster Hunter, Zelda, and all things From Software. Got a PS4 and a decent gaming laptop (that I use more for music).
I play a few instruments (guitar, bass, drums, pinch of keyboard) and like to record music with friends. Also I am an avid lover of whisky, bourbon, and scotch. Prefer red wine, ales, and the occasional Belgium style brew.
MajorTomsCoffeeCup here. Started off as an avid lurker of this site and stayed because of how strange it was and the community seemed really cool and fairly laid back, been around for close to 10 years now. Had a disquis account before making the Dtoid variant.
Big lover of music, I enjoy odd experimental stuff, jazz, fusion, funk, rock, some blues, little bit of metal here and there. Throw in some psychodellia and groove and I'm bound to like it. Dig some hip hop and R&B as well, but much more selective about that.
Game wise these days I'm mostly a console peasant, leaning heavily towards Nintendo. Dig the Xenoblade games, monster Hunter, Zelda, and all things From Software. Got a PS4 and a decent gaming laptop (that I use more for music).
I play a few instruments (guitar, bass, drums, pinch of keyboard) and like to record music with friends. Also I am an avid lover of whisky, bourbon, and scotch. Prefer red wine, ales, and the occasional Belgium style brew.
- How did you find Destructoid? Just found it looking for reviews and kept coming back
- What are your favorite games? Answered this above, but From soft games, xeno games, monster hunters, and Zelda
- What consoles have you owned? NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U , Switch. Gameboy, Color, Advance, 3ds. PS1-4. Xbox and 360. Sega Genesis and Dreamcast.
- What interests do you have outside of video games? Music, psychology, medicine (where me work)
- What other communities are you a part of? Online? Really just this one , I try to stay quite disconnected from most online circles and communities and prefer to stay very annonymous