How often do you use save states on emulators?

May 13, 2020
So, I've been playing the Sega Genesis Classics, for the PS4, and there are a lot of arcade ports. There's no way I would beat half of those games without save states. I completely understand they are a product of their times and the arcade scene, but am glad that I can reach the end with the help of the incredible quicksave magic. My policy in these cases is: only use it at the beginning of each stage, so lives become useless, but I still have to put an effort to reach the next stage. Sometimes I do a quicksave before a boss or particular situation that I think is bullshit (this is quite subjective, of course. What I think is ridiculous and unfair, other people may think it's fine, and vice versa).
How do you do it? I'm curious about what do you think of save states, and how often do you use it.
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Jun 9, 2020
Columbia, MO
When I was younger, I usually had a gamepad (Gravis Gamepad modeled after PS1 controller) with L2 mapped to Save State and R2 mapped to Load State, while playing SNES games. I would find myself constantly hitting Save State, and Load State during a big situation. I practically cheated my way through.

As I've got older, I try to do everything I can to not utilize it. Playing through Super Mario World on the Switch, I felt great, until I remembered they had the rewind feature by the time I got to Forest of Illusion. Same concept. I felt mad because I did it almost instinctively. It didn't help the rewind buttons were right in the L2/R2 spot. :LOL:


Human Person, Maybe
May 11, 2020
Depends. I use it when I want to stop playing and there's no save point or the game doesn't feature saves.
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May 10, 2020
All of the fucking time. No shame either. I tend to create rules for myself tho, like in shmups I'll make one at the start of every level, and another before a boss. Or after a particularly tough area and especially if it's a piece of shit shmup with death checkpoints instead of a respawn where you died system like nature fucking intended (ah this is a pet peeve of mine obviously).

In games with internal saves. Not often. But every so often one comes along with a shitty boss or an area that's broken or something and you betcha I'm save stating.

I'm simply of the mind that video gaming isn't inherently about challenge. Sure, in some instances it is and I'm glad we have our Dark Souls style games (that I tend to run through with light armor, no shield, no summons - so I'm no slouch is what I'm saying). It's just in some instances I'm more interested in playing a game from beginning to end than I am mastering its mechanics or putting up with spotty areas of bad design.
May 10, 2020
More and more as the games difficulty ramps up.

"I swear, I'll only save at the beginning of the level."
"OK, I'll save at checkpoints too."
"OK, this sections a pain in the ass, I'll save after I finish it."
"OK, fuck this boss." *saves after every hit.*
Ok fine this is actually what I should have written.
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The Giant Rat That Makes All of the Rules
May 11, 2020
The Internet!
If the game has password saves: - I use save states. There is... no reason not to. Its just convenience.
If you can save 'normally' in a game. I most of the time will use save states instead. - again convenience.
Sometimes I'll even savestate at the beginning of a level or boss I REALLY like so that next time I play the game I can replay that level without having to go through the whole game.

Otherwise... Its kinda hit and miss if I use em. Cause most of the time, just like regular saving, I just kinda forget to savestate <_<
If keep failing a boss, or something that I consider bullshit, yeah I'll certainly use them, specially once I get past it.

✨ Matt ✨

Garbage Pail Kid
May 10, 2020
All the goddamn time, lol. I grew up with quicksaving so autosaves or code saves frustrate me to no end.


Gold Standard in Stupidity
Jun 11, 2020
Every of the time

I just don't have the time to deal with the save systems in older games unless I absolutely have to. Otherwise I'd never finish anything.


New member
Jun 8, 2020
Try to use it more out of convenience than anything, especially for older games with limited/no saving. I love Super Metroid, but fuck if I'm gonna not use a save state right before Phantoon instead of the last save spot which is like a few minutes back. Plus I don't always have the luxury of waiting for a save point, might have to stop playing at any moment.

Cygnus Rush 961

Apex Hitter and Tire Eater
Jun 9, 2020
Tacoma, WA
I use save states whenever I have the chance to do so as life doesn't allow for the player to make it to a checkpoint or save area. Especially when going against a major boss or challenging platforming stage.


Jun 10, 2020
Paris, France
I try and avoid emulation if possible. However, I used save states religiously in order to beat ninja gaiden on the nes. If only there were save states on ninja gaiden black 😅