Hello everyone! My name is Chris, I hail from the tiny little Northern European country of Denmark, I go by the tag Fake Plastic Tree in honour of an excellent prog rock song from the 90s. I tend to sometimes have strong opinions on shit and I might come off as a bit stand offside which I do apologize for 
I’ve been on Dtoid since 2016 though I lurked the place a year or two before that. I wanted to sign up for this forum because it fueled my nostalgia for BioWare’s old forums, where I met a lot of great people whom I still talk to day and even formed some lasting friendships. I think forums are vastly better as a platform to connect with people than the miasma that is modern social media. So it’s cool to see Dtoid doing something like this, and I’m actually looking forward to see if this takes off succesfuld! Occassionally I do Comments of the Week on Dtoid, which admittedly hasn’t been as frequent as I imagine everyone would have wished, with COVID-19 putting us all in lockdown I thought about bringing it back again, and start blogging again. If anyone is interested in helping out then send a PM my way!
Anyway, let’s run through some of these questions
I’ve been on Dtoid since 2016 though I lurked the place a year or two before that. I wanted to sign up for this forum because it fueled my nostalgia for BioWare’s old forums, where I met a lot of great people whom I still talk to day and even formed some lasting friendships. I think forums are vastly better as a platform to connect with people than the miasma that is modern social media. So it’s cool to see Dtoid doing something like this, and I’m actually looking forward to see if this takes off succesfuld! Occassionally I do Comments of the Week on Dtoid, which admittedly hasn’t been as frequent as I imagine everyone would have wished, with COVID-19 putting us all in lockdown I thought about bringing it back again, and start blogging again. If anyone is interested in helping out then send a PM my way!
Anyway, let’s run through some of these questions
- How did you find Destructoid?
If i recall it was probably Jim Sterling’s Mass Effect gay fanfic that lead me there, I feel like he’s the source for a lot of Pe ople’s exposure to Destructoid
- What are your favorite games?
So my favorite games constantly change a lot which is why it is hard to narrow down exactly, but Silent Hill 2 still remain an absolute classic to me along with Knights of the Old Republic 2 the game that introduced me to cRPGs. While I tend to really be into Japanese video games these days, that wasn’t always the case, as back in the day I was all about the mascot platformers. Spyro, Ratchet, Crash, Sly, Mario, you name it I loved all of those games and still have a particular fondness for the original Sly Cooper and Ratchet games.The Ratchet & Clank trilogy has a really good soundtrack mate!
- What consoles have you owned?
I am not old enough to have owned all of the various consoles coming out of the US and such. The SNES was the earliest, then we have the N64, PSX, PS2, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Switch, Wii, Wii-U, 3DS, DS, Gameboy Colour and original Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, PS Vita. I’ve owned quite a few handheld consoles, I got a specific console just to play a Kingdom Hearts game back in the day.
- What interests do you have outside of video games?
I love film, I love collecting old as well as new film on Blu-Ray, I occasionally post my recent hauls in the QP section on the main site. My favorite films are definitely Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Big Lebowski, the former for its excellent take on magical realism mixed with contemporary sci-fi and a genuine human drama, and the fact that Jim Carrey might actually be a really good actor also Blue hamrede Kate Winslet! The latter for its insatiable ability to remain timeless with its humor, quotable lines and memorable characters. I also listen to music, my tastes vary across genres a lot, jazz, electronica, funk, pop, rock heck I’d say I listen to stuff from artists I love and I also finding new artists. To get an idea of what I listen to I have been making a playlist for what I consider to be the best 365 songs ever composed on Spotify here
- What other communities are you a part of?
I frequent Giantbomb and ResetEra generally, I love the former for its personalities and content, the latter for its thoroughness in posting video game news.