Pick 2 from 2007


World's Okayest Chef
May 10, 2020
Saw this on Twitter. It's a pic of some of the big games of 2007. You can save 2 of them. The rest are erased from history. What do you choose?

I have to pick Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed. I have spent so many hours on the latter's franchise across several games. And loved it!

And Mass Effect is the Star Trek game. It is so important to me.

That said. It really hurts to get rid of Halo 3. Would the fight ever be finished? And it totally sucks to get rid of Super Mario Galaxy. That's a hell of a game.


May 11, 2020
Galaxy, because it's good and Bioshock because the Immersive Sim genre needs all the help it can get. The rest may perish. Hell, going without Assassin's Creed may have forced Ubisoft to develop some better series to drown out the gaming landscape with.


May 10, 2020
Mass Effect. Loved the lore and mystery of that first game. Still one of my favourite pieces of sci-fi.

Uncharted. That game at the time felt like it was on a completely different level for what video games could be. I understand the gripes about it and the series but it's a fun little romp for me.

Sad to murder Galaxy and somehow I still have yet to play bioshock.

Anthony Marzano

Excel Sheet Strategy Game Enthusiast
Staff member
Apr 16, 2020
BioShock and The Orange Box.

Despite what happened with Infinite, I still have the deepest love and fondness for the original.

While Half-Life 2 was already out before The Orange Box, that release did bring Portal which was a great science fiction puzzler that spawned an even better sequel.


May 10, 2020
Super Mario Galaxy is mandatory. The second is either The Orange Box, Bioshock, Halo 3, or Mass Effect.

Rock Band was just another game in the over-saturated rhythm game market of 2005 to 2010. You'll still have Guitar Hero, so don't worry.

Uncharted 1 is not a fun game. I've stood by this statement since it first launched and have played it 4 times to confirm this since every time I say this I get a lot of flak. I am certain on this. Even if you love the Uncharted series I still don't know how you could enjoy the first game. So no on that one. (Rebooted Tomb Raider is a better series, don't @ me)

We can survive without CoD 4. It would force people to play more World at War anyway, which is one of the very best CoDs, but was quickly overshadowed by the Modern Warfare series.

I bought Crysis on GOG only a while back and just started going through it. It's fun, but I'd be fine sacrificing it for any of the 4 games I highlighted at the top.
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Active member
May 11, 2020
First choice is easy; Bioshock. A great game that did a lot for the medium and which still stands up today.

Having a hard time with the other pick though. It's either Halo 3 or Orange Box. I guess it depends what "erasing from history" means in terms of sequels. I only really care about Orange Box because of Portal. Not interested in the other stuff, but Portal is a classic. But I wouldn't mind losing it if we still had Portal 2 instead. Just as good, if not better. Halo 3 on the other hand is the bombastic conclusion to a big trilogy. Getting rid of it hurts Halo 1 and 2 as well. But I wouldn't really care about losing 4 or 5.
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Active member
May 10, 2020
Uncharted and Assassin's Creed. I don't even like the original AC that much, but it would eventually turn into a series I liked a lot. And Uncharted was awesome, and again, turned into a fantastic series.
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Active member
May 11, 2020
This is a pretty tricky problem. Some of these games had larger impacts on gaming as a whole than others did. I think I'd have to go with The Orange Box and Assassin's Creed. TF2 and Half-Life 2 weren't exactly revolutionary, but I think Portal needs to be saved. I can' t really think of any games similar to it (granted I didn't grow up playing PC games, so I may be wrong) and I believe it was more influential on games after it than, Mass Effect, Bioshock or Mario Galaxy.

Assassin's Creed is very similar in that regard, and while I think it may have been a somewhat negative impact overall, certain great games like Bamham and LotR: Shadows of Fanfiction wouldn't exist without the things pioneered in Assassin's Creed.
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New member
May 11, 2020
Super Mario Galaxy for sure. Galaxy deserves to exist purely based on it's soundtrack, it doesn't hurt that so much else about it is wonderful. I was mesmerized by it when I played it all those years ago.

Most of the other games had very little impact on me, though I did play a few of them. I think I would go with Orange Box because of Portal, or Uncharted because of what came after it, but I'm not sure which of the two is more important to me.
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May 11, 2020
Bioshock because it and it's sequel (and with sequel I mean Infinite because Bioshock 2 was a numbered spin-off at best) are some of my all time favorites. And the orange box because TF2 was the one multiplayer shooter I was actually good at and that I actually played with friends.

✨ Matt ✨

Garbage Pail Kid
May 10, 2020
I played BioShock for the very first time recently and was blown away at how good it is. It's like a mix of an arcade shooter and an immersive sim. Really fun middle ground between the two. Also somehow managed to stay unspoiled this whole time so the plot absolutely blew me away.


Ambassador of Finland
May 11, 2020
Easiest fucking "twitter-forum" game I've participated!

1) Bioshock; I just successfully installed my new 8800GT and when I got to play this beauty it blew my mind. Man those were the days!

2) The Orange Box; honestly it's only because of Team Fortress 2, but man, that game did A LOT for me. It made me more social, it made me better English speaker (though writing is still lacking), it got me tons of new friends which in turn made me visit UK in 2013, meeting these people in meatspace! Game is good and cool all, yes, but honestly, the community aspect of it made me whole lotta better person.
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