The thread is about unpopular opinions, not unpopular facts.Marvel sucks, Star Wars sucks, Harry Potter sucks
Aliens and Terminator 2 are NOT better than their predecessors.
Awww, I love that movie! That part near the end where they're playing the song on the record player still haunts me.The most pushback I've ever gotten for a movie opinion on Dtoid was when I said the movie 9 wasn't very good. Not District 9. The animated one with the puppet things. The one most of you probably didn't remember existed before reading this post. That 9.
And I don't know if it's controversial, but The Mandalorian is the best thing to come out of the Star Wars universe.
Especially if you've read the book. I don't like what Kubrick did with the characters.The Shining sucks all the ass, dear lord![]()
And I don't know if it's controversial, but The Mandalorian is the best thing to come out of the Star Wars universe.
He said "best", not "worst"....weird way of spelling Clone Wars![]()
That not controversial vxxy. That's pretty much fact. Still a fun one though.Matt, none of your sass in this thread(<3)
The Last Jedi was good.
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom is the weakest film in the whole series.
I suppose that's true. I've never been a big fan though, even before the recent batch of dogshit. It's not like these most recent movies tipped me over the edge.To be fair, that's how Star Wars fans seem to feel about Star Wars.
God I hope people realise I'm being facetious.