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  1. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Favorite Song from Your Favorite Band/Artist

    This song just feels the most like "me", if that makes sense.
  2. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Cookin' by the Book: The Big Dtoid Recipe Swap

    Here's an old recipe from a Tales-inspired recipe blog for honey oatmeal cookies. It's the only one I ever actually got around to making, and it was delicious!
  3. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Delicious Video Game Food

    Speaking of gaming food, this blog from a while back makes real recipes based off of those from the Tales series: I'll make Zelos Wilder's Gingeriffic Fried Rice someday!
  4. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    Last call! Closing in 10 minutes if no one shows up.
  5. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Spare Steam Keys

    May I have Invisible Inc, please?
  6. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    Turnip Time!! They're selling for 523 bells each right now! There's also a Take-1-Leave-1 DIY recipe area right outside the airport. Tips not necessary, but if you'd like leave them by my house. I'll be AFK for a bit. My Able Sisters also has the Royal Crown for sale if you don't know what to...
  7. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Spare Steam Keys

    I can't recommend Dustforce DX enough. It's a cool, tricky platformer with a chill vibe and music.
  8. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    No one expects the Ravenclaw Inquisition!

    I couldn't not include it - I love the game, world and characters WAY too much ^_^! There's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too many to count, so I'll just list a bunch in no order: Aria the Animation Yu Yu Hakusho Trigun Outlaw Star Samurai Champloo Nerima Daikon Bros Non Non Biyori Ghost...
  9. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    No one expects the Ravenclaw Inquisition!

    I love it (and Kat) to bits! A shame Sony doesn't feel the same, but maybe someday they'll do something new with it.
  10. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    No one expects the Ravenclaw Inquisition!

    Aww, thanks ^_^! I try to cheer up people, but I never really know what to say aside from "I know how it feels". I do try, though! Also:
  11. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    No one expects the Ravenclaw Inquisition!

    Ravenclaw here! I've been around for a little while, and I couldn't be happier here :). I like games, puns, art, oni girls, and looking at Cooking shows without doing any myself. Pretty boring in-person, but you guys have given me a chance to sorta look cool, so I'll take it! How did you find...
  12. Inquisitive Ravenclaw

    Every time my cat meows it breaks me heart

    Cats are an International Treasure deserving of our love and attention!* *Not written by a cat. I am a human-type person.
  13. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    Update: CLOSED!!! They're back down to 186. Thanks, everyone!
  14. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    No problem! You guys are always there to help me out, so I like to pay it forward when I can :).
  15. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    That's fair. As soon as I go back to work I won't be able to play much, either. Best of luck with your exams!
  16. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    Also I have morning chores so I might be AFK somewhere in town. Don't mind me! The shop is right behind the museum.
  17. Inquisitive Ravenclaw


    Long story short, my Turnip prices this morning are insane. 531 BELLS PER TURNIP!! Bring your turnips and sell them for bells. There's also a Take-1-Leave-1 DIY Recipe space right outside the port. Dodo Code is MLSY2!