I was trying to see if I could find the first instance for you but the history of it is layered thick like sediment on the ocean floor. My memory is hazy but I think the hashtag part of it started with a twitter contest he hijacked. There was a cblog by Handy back in early 2012 that highlighted the ridiculousness of the skull-packed screenshots for example (images lost to time), but even the the preview from the summer before, people were looking for Occams' reaction. It took on a life of its own. Some have tried to get a new hashtag going, but it's easier if you don't think too hard about it.Finally good thread to ask as a fucking stupid person:
What #Darksiders2 means to Destructoid? The history of it? I kinda, just barely, understand the usage but other things...
This probably didn't help at all lol.