Why'd You Pick Your Username?


Lord of Loss
Staff member
Apr 15, 2020
My old username was basically just used to troll folks. So when I realized I actually wanted to talk to people here, I chose one of my favorite Adult Swim characters. I also consumed a lot of weed and had no original thoughts at that time. By the time I cared enough to change it, it was way too late.


New member
May 11, 2020
My story is not very interesting since Fuzunga is just a name I made up out of nowhere. I used to play Worms a lot when I was a kid and I had a team called the Stoopid Squad consisting of Yom, Kai-Chi, Dude 49, and Bob. They released a new game at one point that allowed for six worm teams so I had to add two more members and I came up with Dr. Lame and Fuzunga. I ended up liking the name Fuzunga so much that I started using it for everything.

Before that, I used to call myself N-Man. The N stood for NIntendo because I love Nintendo.


Frequently confused
May 10, 2020
My old username was basically just used to troll folks. So when I realized I actually wanted to talk to people here, I chose one of my favorite Adult Swim characters. I also consumed a lot of weed and had no original thoughts at that time. By the time I cared enough to change it, it was way too late.
Been there, man. My XBox account is Robotsindisguise - I was watching transformers when I made it. I have to say I've contributed a fair bit to making Napster chat rooms and Xbox multiplayer someplace to avoid. I was that teen yelling "Penis" in Rainbow Six online.


Active member
May 12, 2020
Back when Halo PC originally came out, I came up with Thrillkill after hearing about that banned PS1 game. I liked getting kills in that game, so I went with it.

After awhile it started sounding silly, so one time when my friend and I were talking exercise and situps he said he should call me Turbo. He never did, fortunately, but I was always terrible with names so I swapped Thrill with Turbo. Never bothered coming up with a username ever since.

Though I did start using Leeroy Janky on Xbox and I actually quite like that name. Describes my gaming skills well...
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Active member
May 12, 2020
I was born in 1995, so my first experiences with the internet were via AIM (AOL Instant Messenger), usually just talking with middle school friends after class. Back then my screenname was just my initials and 95 (my birth year) since my mom was the one who set up my AOL account.

Eventually I wanted a real screename. I loved the character 9-Volt from the Warioware series and I was always known as the kid in class who brought their Gameboy and GameGear to school, so I certainly held a similar reputation at the time. The "D" is just the first letter of my first name. So that's how D-Volt came to be.

It's short, simple, and easy for others to remember. Couldn't ask for much else in a screename.

I actually used to picture 9-volt when I read your name, ha. That's neat
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Active member
May 12, 2020
My old username was basically just used to troll folks. So when I realized I actually wanted to talk to people here, I chose one of my favorite Adult Swim characters. I also consumed a lot of weed and had no original thoughts at that time. By the time I cared enough to change it, it was way too late.

What would you have changed it to?


New member
I went by Neronium for a long time before trying to brand everything under Roxas1359 for my YouTube channel. When I rebranded my YouTube channel I went back to Neronium for online stuff. What stinks though is I should have gone with Maxieon, mainly cause my username keeps getting spelled Necronium in YouTube searches which is annoying.
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Village Idiot
May 10, 2020
North Carolina
My friend told me to get a steam account, but said I needed to pick a name and stick with it. I had always just made up stupid stuff (went by Neurvall for a long time after an autocorrect changed it from Nuckalavee).

I had been to an Albrecht Durer and Andreas Vesalius exhibition not long before. Then one night, as I stared blankly at my computer screen, I overheard the television in the background. It was the Abominable Dr. Phibes, and the main doctor he was trying to kill was Dr. Vesalius. So I took it as a sign.
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Scrublord Extraordinaire
May 17, 2020
My screen name has a dumb origin. Since I'm not the creative type, the idea I had was to just scramble my real name and try to make an anagram. I was also really into the Norse Mythos at the time, so I tried to make it sound slightly foreign and cool. I came up with "Niorjd", which was kinda similar to the Norse god "Njord", the guy associated with wealth and fertility (two things I lack :p). Turns out, that nickname was dumb to write and stupid to pronounce, so a friend suggested I cut the last two letters. Turns out I still got my wish, cause Nior is apparently the Swedish word for "nine". Funny how life works eh?


New member
May 17, 2020
I have a bunch of usernames I tend to default to, but none of them seemed right after a while. They weren't anonymous enough either. So I chose the first kamen rider reference I could think of that wasn't too absurd or obscure. Hence "CycloneJoker", for the base form of kamen rider double.

... I don't remember much of the series, though, and I don't think it would be in my top 3.
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Active member
Jul 4, 2020
Made my D'toid account the same day I had an inflamed blood vessel removed from my left middle finger. And I've had a TON of surgeries growing because of my disability. Just made sense.
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