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  1. LaserPirate

    Five-ish Favorite Films

    Oh man, I know Troma, I'm now pretty embarrassed that I didn't know this. I know what I'm watching tonight! Thank you!
  2. LaserPirate

    Five-ish Favorite Films

    I love all those movies! My wife follows The Rock on one of those instant pictogram messaging services and he has a running gag with his daughter. Her favorite movie is Moana but doesn't believe her dad played Maui.
  3. LaserPirate

    Ein's big, long, fat, satisfying GIF Dump.

    If this is the whole movie, I love it.
  4. LaserPirate

    Five-ish Favorite Films

    Drunken Master Spirited Away The Goonies Seven Samurai Master of the Flying Guillotine Blade Runner (redux) Princess Bride Akira The Big Lebowski
  5. LaserPirate

    Five-ish Favorite Films

    I love all of these movies but I've never heard of Terror Firmer. I think I should watch this film.
  6. LaserPirate

    Pick 2 from 2011

    I refuse! I didn't realize 2011 was so good for games.
  7. LaserPirate

    Gaming Pet Peeves

    Oh, I hate that. I'd say accidentally shippable cutscenes are just as bad as the unskippable ones.
  8. LaserPirate

    Gaming Pet Peeves

    Trying to play through Xenoblade Chronicles 2, those weird guinea pig things are the worst. Why do they have to sound like that and speak like their dumb?
  9. LaserPirate

    I'm that guy from that place and that one time. No not him. Not that guy either.

    Oh man, a human skull embedded with gemstones would be a dope centre-piece for my coffee table. Nah, although I've used it practically, I've never been much for competitions.
  10. LaserPirate

    Caress my soft, taut, masculine-yet-womanly thighs

    I did and I am not disappointed. You beautiful bastard.
  11. LaserPirate

    I'm that guy from that place and that one time. No not him. Not that guy either.

    Hello all, my name is LaserPirate. I, uh... don't usually know what to say when introducing myself. I've lurked at this site for years but only created an account not too long ago. I like long walks, laughing at disgusting and disturbing imagery and I guess video games. I have 4 kids so video...
  12. LaserPirate

    Ladies and gentlemen! The fun has arrived!

    My gruncle Bob was Mormon-ish. He just liked the hooch too much to be just Mormon.
  13. LaserPirate

    Hey I'm Xeo, It's Me, Xeo!

    Probably something about titties is a great name for a book.
  14. LaserPirate

    Hi. I'm RiffRaff

    If the opportunity ever arose again, I would absolutely move to Italy. Just a completely unique place. Lived in Rome for 3 months with my uncle, had a rugby gig set up that didn't pan out and regret being too young and timid to just stay anyways.
  15. LaserPirate

    Why'd You Pick Your Username?

    Been there, man. My XBox account is Robotsindisguise - I was watching transformers when I made it. I have to say I've contributed a fair bit to making Napster chat rooms and Xbox multiplayer someplace to avoid. I was that teen yelling "Penis" in Rainbow Six online.
  16. LaserPirate

    Why'd You Pick Your Username?

    What's cooler than pirates? Laser pirates, that's wut. Also, when I created my Dtoid account I think my usual handle, MrUppercut, was taken.
  17. LaserPirate


  18. LaserPirate

    Why'd You Choose Your Avatar?

  19. LaserPirate

    Why'd You Choose Your Avatar?

    My artwork is so bad it upsets other people. Doesn't bother me much, though, art comes in lots of flavours, the stuff you know about retro gaming is poetic.