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  1. AllCutUp1136

    Music Recommendations

    Starting a Warlock in WoW. Gonna name it "Mrcrowley", so...
  2. AllCutUp1136

    The Bar Part Zed: I Couldn't Come Up with a Better Name

    This an American thread, and it's pronounced The Bar Part Zee, dammit!
  3. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    Can we talk about how amazing the modern Planet of the Apes trilogy was? Did a re-watch this week, and all three films are still fantastic.
  4. AllCutUp1136

    Music Recommendations

  5. AllCutUp1136

    Music Recommendations

  6. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    So, been showing my younger brother some must-see (IMO) movies. He's been wanting to watch Alien, and we did that today. Which means next time, it's Aliens - one of my favorite movies ever.
  7. AllCutUp1136

    Metallica's S&M2

    It was really great.
  8. AllCutUp1136

    What are you playing?

    Fall Guys, World of Warcraft: When it was Good, and I welcome back into my arms THPS (1+2). He's through his rebellious teen phase (HD/5), and is back to being a good boy.
  9. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    *Googles* Okay, Michael Gross is still with us, good. Haven't seen any of the series past Tremors 2. Are Earl and Valentine still alive in continuity? A Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon cameo would be cool.
  10. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    I respect Primer as an indie film, but I don't think you should need to watch a YouTube video to understand a film. Is Caruth's follow-up Upstream Color any good?
  11. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    At the exact opposite of the spectrum, I rewatched Requiem for a Dream (aka, The Film that Launched a Million Trailer Soundtracks). Just needed a good hate-cry.
  12. AllCutUp1136

    --Movie Thread-- Post movies you've recently seen/reviews/recommendations/ask for recommendations

    The Batman trailer, at least I think so... IT'S DARK IN HERE! CAN SOMEONE TURN ON THE LIGHTS!
  13. AllCutUp1136

    Favorite Song from Your Favorite Band/Artist

    Physical Graffiti is my favorite LZ album
  14. AllCutUp1136

    Movies you watched with your parents

    My Dad is a huge Adam Sandler fan, so a lot of that. I drew the line at Jack and Jill though...
  15. AllCutUp1136

    Favorite Song from Your Favorite Band/Artist

    Hello, fellow September baby! (I'm on the 20th.)
  16. AllCutUp1136

    Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout: The Thread

    Risky jumping on those steep platforms, tho