What up, peops?
Binged the Final Fantasy 7 Remake over the past few weeks and I fell in love with it. I missed the boat on the original back when it came out because I was 5 years old, terrible at games, and didn't have a PS1, so I've never really been a Final Fantasy guy.
But hoo boy did the remake really do it for me.
And I might have never given it a shot if it hadn't been free on PS+
I had tried the original on my Vita a few years ago, but lost steam because the thing kills my hands and a lot of the game has aged poorly IMO, but I'm playing it on my Switch now while I impatiently await Intergrade and Part 2
The characterization and dialogue is all so on point now.
Also tried FF8 immediately following finishing the 7 remake and instantly hated it lol
Might take more time to adjust to it, but I just turned up an old OG guidebook my uncle gave me with a bunch of other crap so maybe it can give me a more palatable explanation of the combat stuff.
Binged the Final Fantasy 7 Remake over the past few weeks and I fell in love with it. I missed the boat on the original back when it came out because I was 5 years old, terrible at games, and didn't have a PS1, so I've never really been a Final Fantasy guy.
But hoo boy did the remake really do it for me.

And I might have never given it a shot if it hadn't been free on PS+
I had tried the original on my Vita a few years ago, but lost steam because the thing kills my hands and a lot of the game has aged poorly IMO, but I'm playing it on my Switch now while I impatiently await Intergrade and Part 2
The characterization and dialogue is all so on point now.
And while I obviously never finished the original I'm very much aware of some of the bigger plot developments like Aerith's death.
Simultaneously looking forward to and dreading that scene.
Although I have a feeling the introduction of the Whispers and this whole "fighting fate/destiny" thread might introduce the possibility of preventing or reversing that.
Mixed feelings on that. It's kind of an important, very final moment and I'm unsure it should be changed.
Simultaneously looking forward to and dreading that scene.

Although I have a feeling the introduction of the Whispers and this whole "fighting fate/destiny" thread might introduce the possibility of preventing or reversing that.
Mixed feelings on that. It's kind of an important, very final moment and I'm unsure it should be changed.
Also tried FF8 immediately following finishing the 7 remake and instantly hated it lol
Might take more time to adjust to it, but I just turned up an old OG guidebook my uncle gave me with a bunch of other crap so maybe it can give me a more palatable explanation of the combat stuff.