All right, my free Kindle Unlimited month has ended

I decided to stop spamming the books every 2-3 days and just post all the titles I read in this single thread

So, after
Making Faces, here are the new titles:
Dating Sarah Cooper by Siera Maley - the beginning and ending were loveable. The middle could've been better.
From Sand and Ash by Amy Harmon - this was my least favourite of the three books I read from her. I couldn't empathise with the main characters or the romance; the historical setting was still phenomenal, though.
Colorblind by Siera Maley
I Wish I Was Dead by Saint Knives - a poetry collection that's quite intense! But some of the poems seem too... random.
Shadows of Aggar (Amazons of Aggar #1) by Chris Anne Wolfe - this is a book I'll have to re-read later with more calm. The descriptions are quite dense and sometimes it seemed unnecessary to go into so many details - not sure if it's my fault, that's one of the reasons I want to re-read it. There's a poetic factor into the story and the way it's told that's almost magical. Yes, this one is a new favourite!
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Treasured by Poppy Woods - I'm glad to find more paranormal romances that do not suck. I wish Poppy had explored more the world she built (after reading Jae's
Second Nature, I thought this book really lacked in this aspect!)
Pirate's Booty (The Plundered Chronicles Book 1) by Alex Westmore - the title is good? Not really. The
story is good? Absolutely! It's an excellent historical fiction involving names like Grace O'Malley and Francis Drake (any
Uncharted fans around here?); and yes, there's romance in-between fights and drinking and cursing!
Witching Moon by Poppy Woods - It's better than
Treasured in terms of worldbuilding, but I confess I prefer that one over
Witching Moon. Maybe because urban fantasy is not really my cup of tea.
Taking Flight by Siera Maley - I didn't think I was gonna like this one, but since I usually finish Maley's books in less than two days, I decided to give it a chance - and it was much better than I expected! The spot for
Favourite Siera Maley title is between this one and
Pain & Pleasure: A Collection of Lyrics & Poetry by Stephanie Owen - this one was truly incredible. And, damn, one of the poems even made me cry! D:
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In total, I read 18 books - 2 short stories and 2 poem anthologies among them -, far more than I thought possible or even planned to read! I signed up to read Jae's books and I was pleasantly surprised to find so many great titles and authors! There are at least three titles that I reeeally wanted to read but won't have the time... not now, at least. I'll give myself one month or two to rest before giving in and paying for my second Kindle Unlimited month x)
EDIT: lol, forget about resting. I clicked to cancel my membership and Amazon offered me three more months for less than two reais