What are you playing?


Lord of Loss
Staff member
Apr 15, 2020
Generation Zero. Guess it had a shit launch, but is fucking solid now. I look at it as a long lost sequel to the Bethesda Terminator games too. Nice big open world. Absolutely gorgeous too. Random weather and time changes as you play. Atmosphere is top notch, as is sound design. Guns are satisfying toom. Stealth is a bit hit or miss tho. You really feel alone on this island, as you struggle to find out where everyone has gone, and why these robots are hunting you. It really meshes with my mood as well. Desolation and terror, with moments of beauty and peace. Solid af game for the $12 on sale.

Also burying myself in happy memories with Halo 3.


New member
Jun 22, 2020
I finally started Dark Souls 3. I'm recording my gameplay and hoping to turn it into a video review. So far I've reached the bottom of the High Wall and I just can't stop thinking about Bloodborne while I play. Is that normal?

It was normal for me because I felt like DS3 was kind of a step backwards after playing Bloodborne. It's not a bad game by any means but Bloodborne gave a new experience while DS3 is just basically DS fan service.
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Active member
May 11, 2020
Completed Night in the Woods today. I really liked it, but it's hard to put in to words properly. It's melancholy, and even kind of depressing, but full of a lot of heart and grabbed my attention so hard that it was hard to stop playing sometimes. I think I'll still be mulling it over for a long time.
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Certified Nobody
Jul 1, 2020
Still gradually picking away at FF7 Remake. Afterward, I still need to decide if I want to play Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition first or finally try out the Witcher trilogy now that I've finished re-reading the novels.
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May 10, 2020
Completed Night in the Woods today. I really liked it, but it's hard to put in to words properly. It's melancholy, and even kind of depressing, but full of a lot of heart and grabbed my attention so hard that it was hard to stop playing sometimes. I think I'll still be mulling it over for a long time.

I'm from Pennsylvania very close to where the game takes place and where the creators grew up. It's "Returning Home From College in Central Pennsylvania Simulator". Having played it during my junior year of college, I can 100% confirm it is about as accurate a depiction of this as you can feasibly get. Almost scarily accurate.
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Jul 5, 2020
Kansas City
I bought P5R, and I’m just not feeling it. I forget how wordy Persona is, which is totally fine, but I’m just not feeling it atm.

So I’ve fallen back on the 2DS. Just got gold cup for every difficulty level in Mario Kart 7, now I’m collecting gold star coins in Mario 3D Land.
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Seymour Demonica

Badonkadonk Monk
Jun 9, 2020
I bought P5R, and I’m just not feeling it. I forget how wordy Persona is, which is totally fine, but I’m just not feeling it atm.

So I’ve fallen back on the 2DS. Just got gold cup for every difficulty level in Mario Kart 7, now I’m collecting gold star coins in Mario 3D Land.

3D Land is the only Mario game I've 100%'d. Every flagpole tippy top, every gold coin, with both Mario and Luigi.

Such an amazing game <3 Gotta be one of my favorites.


New member
Jun 22, 2020
I'm jumping back into Nioh 2 now the first DLC is out, and its so discouraging to see how quickly my skills fade.

When I dropped it the first time in the middle of NG+, I was a Nioh god with brutal stance change combos, boss-melting damage, and a strong build strategy.

Returning to it for the first time last night, I completely forgot what I was doing with stances, my burst counter timing is crap, and I have no idea what the hell I was thinking with my build. It's time to relearn everything yet again....

Seymour Demonica

Badonkadonk Monk
Jun 9, 2020
Going back to Halo: CE Anniversary in order to test out my new(ish) Xbox One X. Such a fun game. Has probably some of the most solid FPS gameplay on the market.

Also, just did a few rounds of Fall Guys. Ignoring the connection issues whilst trying to connect to a lobby, it was a lot of cute, dumb fun! Even though it goes against the game's simplistic design philosophy, I sort of wish there was a little more depth to it. But, dah well. Anxiously awaiting whatever they do with it!


May 10, 2020
Going back to Halo: CE Anniversary in order to test out my new(ish) Xbox One X. Such a fun game. Has probably some of the most solid FPS gameplay on the market.

Also, just did a few rounds of Fall Guys. Ignoring the connection issues whilst trying to connect to a lobby, it was a lot of cute, dumb fun! Even though it goes against the game's simplistic design philosophy, I sort of wish there was a little more depth to it. But, dah well. Anxiously awaiting whatever they do with it!
I'll be interested in what you think of Halo 5 when you get to it. It's such a different feel from those early Halo games but I really love the speed and arena-style gameplay of it (multiplayer at least). Just feels solid and tight to me. I hope you're enjoy the new console!

I'm all the way in on Warframe. Tried it maybe a year or two ago but this time it seems to have sunk it's teeth in me.
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Seymour Demonica

Badonkadonk Monk
Jun 9, 2020
I'll be interested in what you think of Halo 5 when you get to it. It's such a different feel from those early Halo games but I really love the speed and arena-style gameplay of it (multiplayer at least). Just feels solid and tight to me. I hope you're enjoy the new console!

Yeah, I’ve played every Halo besides 5. Was somewhat underwhelmed by 4, but every other one has held onto a pretty consistent level of quality.

Have heard some pretty meh things about 5 as well (particularly in regards to the repetitious boss fights), but I can’t imagine it being worse than 4.


May 10, 2020
Yeah, I’ve played every Halo besides 5. Was somewhat underwhelmed by 4, but every other one has held onto a pretty consistent level of quality.

Have heard some pretty meh things about 5 as well (particularly in regards to the repetitious boss fights), but I can’t imagine it being worse than 4.
I think I put in less than 60 minutes into the campaign but over 8 days worth into multiplayer. I still need to get caught up in the series before I tackle it. The one saving grace is I've heard people liked the ending so there's that.


Active member
May 11, 2020
I believe I'm on the cusp of finishing Dark Souls 3 now. There's really only a couple of areas I haven't retreaded for all the hidden goodies and I'm guessing I have two or maybe three bosses left before it's all over.

I'm still into FFXIV and I've been slowly getting Summoner closer and closer to level cap. With the new patch I'm feeling the need to get caught up on the story quests, but I also rolled a new character on Coerl so I could see how streamlined the the new main story quests are. I've been wanting to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender again while it's still on Netflix, so I think this will facilitate that nicely.

I grabbed Remnant on EGS for free, and it's an okay little shooter so far. I mainly got it to enjoy the multiplayer with my friends and I think it will be alright for that at least. Similarly I got Fall Guys on PSN and it's fun but I suck and don't see myself unsucking at it, so it's probably going to be one of those fun games that I hate playing. Just like Super Monkey Ball and Mario Kart.

Finally, my bedtime game of late has been Final Fantasy III (aka FFVI) on my SNES Classique. It's been a while since I played it on the PS1, and this version is way waaay better. I can finally understand why everyone says it's the best Final Fantasy game. I've been overanalyzing what makes it fun. I should probably take notes and write something substantial about it.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ed Talk.
Jun 9, 2020
Replaying SOMA in the 'safe' mode and enjoying it a lot more. It feels like a lot more of a coherent horror story when you have time to actually investigate the environment for the backgrounded story elements. Probably helps I decided to watch a bunch of lore videos before replaying so I had a better of idea of the events too though.
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New member
Jun 9, 2020
Playing Subnautica Below Zero again. They seem to have improved texture clarity a lot and the game in general just pops now. Plus my new CPU gets rid of the stutter I used to have sometimes.

I really should play something new, and I might try Final Fantasy XIV with my girlfriend soon, but I'm in a mental rut and that makes me replay games I already like instead of trying new stuff.

Subnautica  Below Zero Screenshot 2020.08.17 -


Gold Standard in Stupidity
Jun 11, 2020
Currently waiting on the 2 1/2 hour timer in SUPERHOT MIND CONTROL DELETE

might be a bit of a spoiler (but not really), but yeah, the game locks you into a 2.5 hour long loading screen near the end.

apparently it used to be 8 hours 🤯

just a heads up