Why'd You Choose Your Avatar?

Papa Niero

Sentient Chopped Cabbage
Staff member
May 10, 2020
Originally my Dtoid avatar was a photo of my angry ass eyebrows mixed with the Destructoid helmet. I was holding down a full-time job and didn't want my real identity known when I started the site, which I later replaced with a real photo of me kissing my friend in the helmet (she has a heart tattoo'd on her arm)

Its an old photo I recently found. I was out for a jog and tried to finish with a strong sprint, caught my leg on something, and rolled down the hill. Broke my ankle in two places and was walking on crutches and a cane for a little bit. But what struck me most is how vivid the background is. San Francisco is so wildly different from where I live now, a completely sterile neighborhood in Japan (which is cool but for different reasons)

Kevin Mersereau

Top Nep Impersonator
Staff member
Feb 14, 2020
Tiger Mountain
My friend made it, and I am no artist by any stretch of the imagination. Like I'm really bad at art, to the point that it upsets me.

I probably wouldn’t let it upset you, dude. Everyone’s good at different stuff. For instance, I’m really good at making frozen pizzas and disagreeing with Anthony Marzano constantly. If everyone disagreed with Marzano all the time, that skillset would be totally useless!


Frequently confused
May 10, 2020
Its uhhh... completely NSFW... and NO!
I curse the forces of the universe that caused it to be presented to me, and you all should be glad to never see it.
Oh, I just kind of wanted to see it before but saying it like that makes me really want to see it!


Rogue Ogre
May 11, 2020
I wanted something simple and recognizable, and that ended up being 'black icons on white.' The snowflake was gonna be seasonal, but then disqus did whatever disqus does and it's permanent now, except in qposts when it's the phone. Dog on discord. Recycle here. We'll see if/when they change again.


New member
May 11, 2020
One time in high school I was at the grocery store with my mom and she was buying bread, but the bread and wine were on the same isle for some reason and I was looking at the wine labels while she was shopping. I found one called Toasted Head with a picture of a fire breathing bear on it and I thought it was the coolest thing ever so I took a picture with my flip phone and made it my wallpaper. Later, I found a high resolution version online and started using it as my avatar. I love it when people see Toasted Head at the store and they're like, "Look! I found Fuzunga!"


May 10, 2020
One time in high school I was at the grocery store with my mom and she was buying bread, but the bread and wine were on the same isle for some reason and I was looking at the wine labels while she was shopping. I found one called Toasted Head with a picture of a fire breathing bear on it and I thought it was the coolest thing ever so I took a picture with my flip phone and made it my wallpaper. Later, I found a high resolution version online and started using it as my avatar. I love it when people see Toasted Head at the store and they're like, "Look! I found Fuzunga!"

Have you ever had a bottle yourself? Or at least had a taste of some? I feel like at some point you have to, right?
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✨ Matt ✨

Garbage Pail Kid
May 10, 2020
Have you ever had a bottle yourself? Or at least had a taste of some? I feel like at some point you have to, right?
Toasted Head is pretty damn good if that's what you're asking. It's not stellar or anything, but for how comparatively cheap it is it's a damn steal!
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Dr. Mel

Level 33 Elite
May 11, 2020
I like cows. I've had many cow-themed items as a kid, not so much anymore. But the love still remains.

And then dangus pixilated my avatar and I was able to get it added into my dtoid avatar riiiight before that stopped being possible. Whew!

✨ Matt ✨

Garbage Pail Kid
May 10, 2020
I like cows. I've had many cow-themed items as a kid, not so much anymore. But the love still remains.
I loved cows when I grew up! There was a cow farm immediately next to my neighborhood when I was smol. I used to go down to the cul de sac and watched them. Nowadays it’s a development, but I still like the mooing bastards.
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